Non-destructive testing specialists?
Looking for a reliable and trusted company that is highly specialised in all aspects of non-destructive testing? Make IMF Technical Services Ltd your first choice.
About IMF Technical Services Ltd
Established in 1988, IMF Technical Services Ltd is based in Aberdeen, Scotland, serving all of the UK. For Ultrasonic Thickness Gauging on ships hulls, we hold approval from LRS, DNV, ABS, BV, lNSB and RINA, as well as working closely with the MCA. In 2023 we became the first company of our size in the North-East of Scotland to gain DNV approval for NDT methods. We also hold ISO 9001:2015 accreditation from QAS International.
Effective non-destructive testing methods – DNV APPROVAL HELD
At IMF Technical Services Ltd, we employ a wide range of non-destructive testing methods to ensure that any material, system or component can be tested and inspected to the highest standards.

Our services cover:

Hull Surveys
We provide UTM surveys for fishing boats, ferries, and almost all other types of boats.
Please email your enquiry and one of our team will be in touch shortly. You can also contact us on 01224 210 147.